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Lauryn Hill @ Budweiser Stage

Lauryn Hill is notorious for showing up late to her shows.

She addressed this trend in a Facebook post back in 2016, stating:

"I don't show up late to shows because I don't care. And I have nothing but Love and respect for my fans. The challenge is aligning my energy with the time, taking something that isn't easily classified or contained, and trying to make it available for others. I don't have an on/off switch. I am at my best when I am open, rested, sensitive and liberated to express myself as truthfully as possible."

And so, we waited.

Normally, at Budweiser Stage shows, the protocol is for photographers to shoot the first three songs of an artist's set, be escorted out of the venue, and then wait outside for the next artist's set time. However, given the unpredictable timing of the sets in this scenario, we were allowed to stay within the venue for the entirety of Nas' set.... and then patiently wait for Ms. Lauryn Hill.

FInally, after about an hour, she came onstage.

While I'm not a typical rap connoisseur, her music had such a wonderful intensity and musicality to it. We were only able to stay for the regular 3 songs, but I enjoyed a lot more than I initially thought I was!

Despite the wait, I've now been converted to a fan.

Full coverage up at Aesthetic Mag.




© Katrina Lat

| Toronto, Canada |

Creative portfolio of Toronto-based freelance photographer and marketing professional. Specializing travel, event, and concert photography.

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