By day, Visage One is Benky Chan's one-man barbershop, offering appointment-only haircuts to the patrons of Hong Kong's Hollywood Road.
But, on Saturday nights, it transforms into a speakeasy and jazz venue.
The space is small, with no signage, and hidden in the alley of a sloping street that we run circles around on Google Maps.
Outside the door, a simple sign reads "private party", but a charismatic Chan beckons our cautiously inquisitive selves inside. For 100HKD (roughly $16CAD), we curl up on the floor, snuggled right up close to tonight's performers (Karissamuse + Skip Moy), with a serving of liquor in hand.
Though high celieng-ed, the space is tiny, and the practical part of me can't help but wonder what kind of fire code rules we might be violating.
This is the very definition of an intimate performance, and a space, though simple, that is absolutely brimming with love and character.
